I am so excited about my upcoming trip to Italy, that I woke up an hour ago (at 7 o'clock!!!) but in liu of editing, google imgaes bore me off to the magical world of Pupi Avati's filmography! I cannot wait to stroll about Tuscany [no relation to Pupi, but they are sufficiently similar, no?]. Not Barilla commercial style, I swear! After all I am not a pre-menopausal American woman who finds love in the arms of the young D&G approved farmhand... Trully, I am happy to finally be with my darlings A and B, sweating under the scorching son... My taupe silk shorts are going to be wet in awkward places from the heat, my Missoni rubber flats are going to slip off my feet while causing some nasty callouses , but my straw hat is going to stay confidently on top of my perfectly wavy hair! (Don't diss its stiffness! It's still cool! Plus taupe silk + Missoni + some overpriced basic tee + cheap hat = Bobo or... um... village idiot. This is Tuscany after all! I bet their toilet paper is made by Missoni). Let me point out that, the hat is the only of the aforementioned items that I presently own, but I am hopping those other two will be mine soon so as not to ruin the vision.
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